Define Sprint/Iteration resources and budget
Resources and budget can be defined in ‘Resources & Budget’ tab on Sprint/Iteration level. Additionally information about the whole project ‘Resources & Budget’ is available as report in tab ‘Resources & Budget’ on Project level.
Access to these tabs can be password protected by using ribbon bar commands ‘Set Password’ and ‘Remove Password’.
To add a new resource like for example ‘Developer Smith’ click to ‘Add Resource’ button on tab ‘Resources & Budget’ and provide Resource Name, Type and Hourly Rate in popup dialog. To delete a resource select correspondent line in ‘Resources & Budget’ tab and press ‘Delete’ key.
After addition of all required resources user should enter correspondent values of ‘man days’ for each editable cell of ‘Resources & Budget’ tab.
Application supports variable team size during sprint/iteration – just provide variable ‘man days’ in accordance with team members’ vacation for example.
After filling of all resources editable cells you can see automatically calculated daily budget and sprint/iteration accumulated budget in the upper area of ‘Resources & Budget’ tab.
IMPORTANT: Sprintometer supports calculation of such important XP parameter like ‘Load Factor’ which is proportion between calendar time required for implementation of some task and its estimation in perfect hours. However to calculate ‘Load Factor’ correctly program should know who is a developer, who is a tester and who is not closing perfect hours (like Project Manager). Therefore if you want to track ‘Load Factor’ you should fill resources and assign to them ‘Resource Types’ correctly.
In turn Load Factor is used for extrapolation in charts in case of variable team size.
If you do not need budget, resources and ‘Load Factor’ information you can leave tab ‘Resources & Budget’ unfilled.
Dates which are marked in tab ‘General’ on Sprint/Iteration level as ‘Not Tracked Budget Dates’ are displayed in tab ‘Resources & Budget’ with slightly darker background.