Quick start of SCRUM (XP) project tracking

TIP: To understand functionality of application quickly it is highly recommended to open at first local file with sample SCRUM or XP project provided in ZIP downloaded from Sprintometer site. Open a sample file and review all tabs in the right pane for different nodes selected in the left pane tree.


1. Download the latest version of application from site www.sprintometer.com.

2. Extract content of ZIP archive into a local subdirectory.

3. Just run file Sprintometer.exe (installation procedure is not required).

4. Select ‘New’ item from application ribbon bar.

5. In popup window select project type for example ‘SCRUM’ and ‘Tracking Units’ for example ‘Perfect Hours’, click OK.

6. For the newly created project node enter your project name on the ‘General’ tab in the right pane then click ‘Apply’ button or just press ‘Enter’ key to apply your changes.

7. Right click to the project node in the left pane and select ‘Add Sprint’ in popup menu.

8. For the newly created sprint node enter your sprint name on the ‘General’ tab in the right pane.

9. Select required ‘Start Date’ and ‘End Date’ of your sprint in ‘Schedule’ combos.

10. In the auto-populated ‘Work Dates’ list select dates which are not actually work days (like weekend) and move them to the right list ‘No Work Days’ by clicking a button with arrow. You can use ‘Ctrl’ or ‘Shift’ + left mouse click for multi-selection.

11. Click ‘Apply’ button in the right pane to save sprint properties.

12. Right-click to sprint node in the left pane tree and select ‘Add Story’ in popup menu.

13. Enter Story properties in the right pane and click ‘Apply’ button.

14. Right-click to story node in the left pane tree and select ‘Add Task’ in popup menu.

15. Enter Task properties in the right pane including task estimation in perfect hours and click ‘Apply’ button.

16. Repeat steps 14-15 for all Tasks of the parent User Story.

17. Repeat steps 12-16 for all User Stories included into the first Sprint together with their Tasks.

18. Select Sprint node in the left pane tree and select ‘General’ tab in the right pane.

19. In the field ‘Last Reported Date’ which defines which day of tracking is currently the last one select first development day of the sprint and click ‘Apply’.

20. Select ‘Stories’ tab in the right pane. In cells with dotted background you can enter daily finished hours for tasks in format ‘Spent Perfect Hours/Left Perfect Hours’.


Now all agile parameters and charts including ‘Burn Down Chart’ will be calculated automatically on the base of entered ‘Spent Perfect Hours/To Do Perfect Hours’. Every evening you should just increase ‘Last Reported Date’ and enter perfect hours done in the new date column of ‘Stories’ spreadsheet.


TIP: During filling of cells with time reporting for SCRUM project slash ‘/’ and following value of ‘Left Perfect Hours’ is optional. If single value is entered then it can be treated as ‘Spent Perfect Hours’ while ‘Left Perfect Hours’ will be auto-calculated from current task estimation and displayed inside the same input cell automatically.

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